There has been talking recently about the Energizer Bunny and the fact that everyone remembers the battery being on the bunny's back when in reality, the battery is on his legs. It is referred to as a Mandela Effect. Here, on this promotional poster, he can be found along the exit ramp for Disneyland's Star Tours. I took this photo in 2004. I think the fact that hundreds of thousands of people saw this poster while exiting the attraction helped to cement the idea that the battery was on his back.
There have been a few appearances of the bunny that shows him donning the battery on his back. The majority of the time, he has the batteries on his legs.

It can be seen on his back in this 1994 commercial with Darth Vader. Most of the footage was reused from the movie Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back because we can see actress Marjorie Eaton as the Emperor. Actor Tom Bewley was in the Darth Vader suit and Grant Imahara was the puppeteer for the bunny.
As a side fact, the Energizer Bunny was created in 1988 as a parody of the Duracell Bunny who first appeared in 1973. The Duracell Bunny does wear his battery on his back in recent decades.

In this 1979 commercial, the battery can be seen in his leg.
And in this 2003 commercial, it can be seen on his back.
Here are the rest of the posters from the exit ramp.
